
The Make a Difference Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization created to assist full-time Kimray team members who are experiencing a severe, unforeseen financial hardship due to circumstances beyond their control.

Financial Assistance Program

The Make a Difference Foundation (MADF) will help employees get back on their feet and remind them that during difficult times, their team members and community care about them and their families.

  • The Make a Difference Foundation is made up of two groups – the Board of Directors and the Selection Committee. The board will direct the governance of the Foundation, while the selection committee will review hardship and scholarship applications and determine whether to approve the applications.
  • Full-time Kimray team members may apply for Financial Assistance by submitting an application to the program coordinator.
  • Applicants applying for Financial Assistance will be kept anonymous. The selection committee will not know the name of applicants, and will make their decisions based solely on the merit of the application.
  • If an application is approved, the program coordinator will meet with the board to arrange funding for the applicant.

Scholarship Program

The Make a Difference Foundation has also expanded its offering to include a Scholarship Program to support family members of Kimray employees who are pursuing further education.

The Scholarship Program was launched with the goal of promoting ongoing education in the families of Kimray team members, understanding that educational investments today yield profound benefits for generations.

By offering scholarship funds to students who are actively pursuing a college degree, vocational/technical training, or some other certification, the MADF seeks to empower the next generation of difference-makers in our local communities.

Children, grandchildren, and spouses of Kimray team members are eligible to submit an application for scholarship funds, which will be granted at set points throughout the year to coincide with enrollment terms.