
Financial Assistance Guidelines

Temporary Needs

Normal monthly or annual expenses that, due to financial constraints, and despite the team member’s best efforts to help themselves, the team member is unable to pay, and if remaining unpaid would render the team member homeless, or without basic necessities, or otherwise drastically altering their safety, or well-being.

Examples of temporary needs:

  • Daily-use automobile repairs
  • Deposit for rent or utilities
  • Insurance
  • Rent
  • Utilities (electric, gas, water & etc.)

Vital Needs

Expenses due to unusual occurrences beyond the team member’s control that will have financial ramifications beyond the team member’s means.

Examples of vital needs:

  • Expenses resulting from accidents causing significant injuries to the team member, or immediate family members
  • Emergency Transportation expenses
  • Expenses related to the illness of an immediate family member
  • Expenses related to natural disaster, such as fire, flood, tornado & earthquake


Items that will be excluded:

  • Vacations and related expenses
  • Personal comfort items (physical fitness equipment, TVs, humidifiers, radios, etc.)
  • Gifts
  • Dental or medical expenses for cosmetic purposes
  • Experimental or investigative medical or dental procedures
  • Any loss or expense associated with the commission or attempt to commit a felony or engaging in an illegal activity
  • Expenses for self-inflicted injuries
  • Work related injuries or illnesses
  • Legal expenses
  • Orthodontic services
  • Fines or late fees
  • Sales tax on vehicles
  • Assistance with relocation-related expenses
  • Pre-payment of rent, utility bills, auto payment, etc.
  • Re-payment of government assistance
  • Re-payment of cash advances or pay day loans
  • Re-payment of 401k loans
  • Credit card balances


  1. This is not an exhaustive list because every application is considered on a case-by-case basis. Each situation leading to an application is unique and precedents are not set.
  2. Request for aid can be denied for any reason.
  3. The Foundation does not provide health care or team member benefits to Kimray team members. This is a charitable organization that may or may not provide funds for health-related expenses.
  4. Nothing in this program creates, nor is it intended to create, any form of entitlement for any team member of Kimray for any type of benefit.

Scholarship Guidelines

The applicant must be:

  1. An eligible relative (child, grandchild, or spouse) of a full-time team member of Kimray and,
  2. Accepted and/or enrolled in a college, university or technical or vocational institution.

The funds will be deposited into and distributed through the educational institution and will only be released to enrolled students who are in good standing.